Maxim Burmakov


Burmakov Maxim Alexandrovich "Steff".

Was born on June 30, 1985goda. The drummer of the group "Elysium".

He started his musical career at the age of 7 years.

The first instrument was accordion, graduated from music school, studied for 5 years.

The electric guitar became the second musical instrument.

In 1999, playing in the group * black snakes *, which Max gathered himself from friends and classmates, the development in the musical plan moved in the right direction. In parallel, experiencing the hardship and love of the drum set, Max decides to master the third instrument. To help him at the initial stage was the head of the music circle-First Sergey Alexandrovich and Max sat down for the drum set.

After graduation from the 9th grade of secondary school, he tries to enter the Musical College named after. Balakirev at the department of wind and percussion, gives the first entrance exams and passes from 7 people to 1 place, but he drops the solfeggio and returns to the 10th grade with thoughts to leave the music. After the school group, Max gets to know his like-minded people and they make up a gang * Wrong Honey * -game gay punk rock, but not for long.

Since 2001, under the influence of his parents, he goes to Honey. School in the "pharmaceutical department" in 2004 ends it (and still there is no understanding why this profession is for him). Then he is invited to the group * SkAnabis * play "sunny" ska-punk with trumpets, perform at various venues of the Lower and exit festivals + several Moscow concerts and seem to be all happy with everything, but getting to know Anton Kiselyov and LUNAPARK in 2004 ends with a ten-year Cooperation. The group is gaining momentum and actively touring. Two albums and several singles are recorded.

In 2007, a proposal comes from the already touring and at that time famous band Lampas with hits - "I dissect frogs", "super hero" and "yes I drank". In parallel to the LUNAPARK group, Max and Lampas have a rich tour schedule, studio work, festivals and clips, one of which, together with the LORILORI group for the song, "I looked for you." And also recorded joint songs with Sergei Shnurov, Dmitry Malikov and Real Guys (TNT).

In 2013, Max leaves the Lampas team himself, on his own initiative because of the divergence of life and moral values ​​with the musicians of this collective. Active work continues with the LUNAPARK band, many rehearsals and studio work. According to Max, gr LUNAPARK is the most kind, vivid and emotional memory of his youth. 
In December 2014, a proposal came from the drummer of the group "Elysium", Alexei Kuznetsov, about substituting him for several concerts and Max is working with this group as a session musician. In 2015, Max left two rounds and played a four-hour jubilee concert with DVDs at a six-thousandth audience with guest guests from 5diez, Distemper, Trubetskoy, Cockroaches, etc., director Dmitry Kuznetsov, decides that Max should become part of the composition. The group actively tours, plays at all major festivals in Russia and other countries.

In 2016 Maxi single is recorded - "I DO NOT BELIEVE", and later a clip for this song is released and the band again goes on tour. Group Elysium - one of the leaders of the Russian rock scene, plays in a mixed musical style based on punk rock with elements of ska, reggae, metal and other genres. The group itself uses for its direction its own name "space-rock". 
In his free time and rehearsals, Max, with his long-time friend and colleague Yegor Matasov, opens the only musical complex in Nizhny Novgorod, RockSteady scool, Rocksteady records, RockSteady coffee, where he begins to teach drum skills. The complex is actively developing to this day and deserves recognition not only from students, but also from the most advanced groups in Nizhny Novgorod, who use RockSteady as a rehearsal base and sound recording studio. 

Currently, Max has an endorsement on the drumsticks StarSticks (better known in Ukraine) and drum dishes EDсymbals. With colleagues from EDcymbals Max cooperated before he received the endorsation of this brand and helped in every possible way to promote the products